Saturday, October 14, 2006

Training Log: Entry 300

DE upperbody day

DE bench: Tripes of 155.

Note: Speed was insane on this.  Way explosive.

Close grip bench of 185
10, 8, 5, 5

Note: More on the second, killed the others.  Needed to warm up better before speed bench, my body was dead.

Straight bar pulldown of 145

Note: Gradually progressing.  Soon all 10s.

Lateral raises of 25
11, 10, 10

Note: I'm getting so strong on this lift.  Such a big fan.


Note: Not making much progress, but the first sets are getting easier.

Hammer curls of 25

Note: Felt good to move up weight on this.


My fall break has started, so I'm taking my week off.  All I did yesterday was some grip work (can now knock out 10 second holds after every set).  Might do some pull-ups and bag work, but in general not much. 


  1. Hey Babe..I hope that your fall break is going well.  Also, I hope that you have a nice relaxing break and allow yourself some time to heal; you have worked really hard these last six weeks.  I am so proud of all you were able to accomplish.  Breaking through your plateau on bench was awesome to watch.  You never cease to amaze me.  Thanks for all your help with my weight program.  I can't wait til we get to do more in our weight training classes.  Take care.  I love you. ~aloha~

  2. When you say Hammer Curls of 25, do you mean a 25lb Dumbbell?Also, I love Lat raises too.

  3. You can use a hammer grip on an EZ Bar.Anyways, it just seems like such a small amount.

  4. Yeah, I stopped engaging my hips, back, legs, and front deltoids unlike everyone else at my gym.  I can dumbass hammer curl 50s, but I don't engage the bicep at all by doing it.  After I started doing really strict form, I realized it doesn't take much to hit them.

  5. I usually do my curls seated with someone watching my form. Glad that you're taking a strict route. .....And knowing is half the battle - GI Joe :-/

  6. Ah, I'm not a fan of seated exercises.  I see a lot of people wind up on those for the momentum.  With the mirror and standing I can totally focus.
    But yeah, go strict or go home.

  7. speaking of hammer curls, I saw this fat kid at my gym doing those only he was using his momentum and back to throw the wieght up. it was funny
