Thursday, June 25, 2009

Training Log: Entry 749

DE lower

Speed box squats to parallel of 185+lights

Notes: This was a breath of fresh air.  45 second rest periods.  My speed was actually very fast off of the box, with little lag, and powered through the rest of the movement.  I actually think my RE work reinforced good form and I learned how to push my knees out and recruit my glutes into the movement to get off the box, which helped with my speed work.  I think I'm going to keep the weight the same, and keep dropping the height of the box, to work on hip flexor flexibility.  Not using a belt on speed work.

Squats of 345

Notes: Hips are a lot more flexibile from the box work.  Sunk deep into the hole without having to relax my back/hamstrings.  Need to keep my belt 1 notch tighter because of weight loss, but once I did I had no back rounding issues.  Will focus on keeping the arch when I go beltless on the SSB squats and the speed work.

SSB lunges of 115

Notes: The SSB is an awesome piece of equipment for lunges.  Kept the weight where I wanted, and didn't have to focus on my shoulders feeling like they were ripping out of the socket.  Kept the volume low on these, but want to throw in more sets as I go.  Really felt my glutes activate here.

Band pull throughs w/light

Notes: Focused on keeping legs straight to recruit the hamstrings more.  Gonna go with light work on this day and heavy on the ME day, due to the differences in training volume.

Ab wheel from knees

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