Monday, July 29, 2013

Training Log: Entry 1479


Notes: This was a rough cycle in general.  I am going to repeat it, but a few changes need to be made based off some observations.

1: Most immediate excuse is that I came into this workout on only a protein shake, and it was the day after my clean and press tabata workout.  This was just poor planning on my part and inexcusable at this level.

2: My upperback and shoulders were absolutely fried coming in.  I have been hammering this with a lot of volume, and though I can still get away with that, I need to eat to match it.  Again, poor planning.

3: New gym and equipment, some factors I still need to account for.

So for solutions, here are some thoughts

1: Repeat this cycle for press, but go 3/5/1.  Additionally, the 5 week is going to be more like a deload in the middle of the cycle.

2: Going to try "first set last" instead of my current approach of 15-20 reps of a "light weight".  Going to shoot for 8 reps with this approach.

3: If all else fails, I am going to push press the weight and stick with the poundage increases.  I was actually thinking of going this route in general if I decide to pursue a strongman comp at my new location.

4: If my bench ends up still succeeding, then I really don't care too much about this anyway.

205 total

150 total

Notes: After feeling so beat up, I decided to ditch the DB pressing for now and do something light.  I honestly love dips as it is, but don't feel like they do too much to get me a stronger press/bench, at least not in this style.  I may just do a cycle of them as assistance work in the future just to try to get accidentally strong.



  1. Sounds like you'll easily get it next cycle when you come into the gym fresh.

    I've been running BBB for a year now with great success but I'm just about tapped so I'm thinking of new ideas. Did you not like the high rep set at the end much? I was thinking of trying that followed by Arnold presses.

  2. I've been a big fan of the high rep set at the end, I think it has a lot of merit. You could also do it at the end of the workout in total, which I do with my lower body workouts. I was more thinking of ways to switch things up and get some more poundages in.

    I'm running a bastardized version of the mass gaining template Wendler put together in 5/3/1 for powerlifting, and really enjoying that. Something to consider.
