Thursday, July 21, 2005

Training Log: Entry 122

Been eating like crap as of recently to put on weight before FT. 
I'll get there fat, but I'm probably going to lose a lot.  After I
get back, gonna bulk again.

Subluxed my shoulder last night.  It's been damaged from work.  Rested and iced it.

Sparred with my bro.  I think I need to use less power in my
shots.  I was making him stagger a lot.  He's still a novice,
need to let him learn.


  1. Glad to hear that you and your bro are continuing to spar together.  I'm really sorry to hear about your shoulder.  I hope that it feels better before field training.  It is good that you are bulking up before you head off; it sounds like it is going to be really intense.  I know you'll be great at FT and can do anything they throw at yah.  I'm really amazed by and proud of you.  Good luck and keep up all the hard work!  I love you!  ~aloha~

  2. Just buy a new shoulder, idiot.~Max
