Saturday, July 16, 2005

Training Log: Enty 119

Finally feeling creatine effects in all manner of physical
activity.  Have broken past all platueaus on all lifts.  Feel
really strong.  I think I will make creatine a regular part of my
workout, if not at least cycle it during times of plateaus.

Will be implementing a new lifting program after field training.  It will go as such

Sun or Mon

Narrow-stance dl 3X6 weeks 1-4, 3X3 weeks 5-8*
Wide-stance dl 2X8 weeks 1-4, 2X4 weeks 5-8*
Box dl 2X8 weeks 1-4, 2X4 weeks 5-8*
seated cable rows 2X8 weeks 1-4, 2X4 weeks 5-8*
bent-over barbell row 2X10 weeks 1-4, 2X5 weeks 5-8*
lat pulldown 2X10 weeks 1-4, 2X7 weeks 5-8+
standing barbell curl 2X10 weeks 1-4, 2X7 weeks 5-8+
seated dumbbell curl 2X12 weeks 1-4, 2X8 weeks 5-8+


Bench Press 3X6, 3X3*
Close-grip bench 1X8, 1X4*
wide-grip bench 1X8, 1X4*
incline dumbbell press 3X8, 3X4*
dip 3X10, 3X5*
pec-dec/cable flye 2X10, 2X7^
skull crusher 2X10, 2X7^
tricep pressdown 2X12, 2X8^


Deep squat 3X6, 3X3*
Narrow-stance squat 2X8, 2X4*
wide-stance squat 2X8, 2X4*
lying leg curl (heavy) 4X8, 4X4*
leg press 3X12, 3X6*
lying leg curl (light) 2X10, 2X7^
standing calf raise 2X10, 2X7^
seated calf raise 2X12, 2X8^

*increase by 25%
^increase by 15%

One deadlifts, alternate wide and narrow stance each workout.

Will still be implementing bodyweight training on off days.  Got
this out of Muscle and Fitness.  It's not the best powerlifting
program in regards to getting high numbers on primary lifts, but it
should give me strength in general, which is my whole purpose to

Contemplating a style shift next semester.  Still want to
strike.  Kyokushin is appealing when mixed with boxing, but the
main problem is getting to train.


  1. I'm really glad to hear that you've broken past old pateaus and that you are feeling really strong!!!  I'm so proud of you!  It sounds like you will have a good new work out once you get back from field training and are starting school again.  Hopefully, your schedule will allow for your desired training time.  I wish you the best of luck with that.  Keep up your hard work.  I can't wait to hear how the new program will work for you.  Take care.  I love you!  ~aloha~

  2. Where'd you get your MMA Gloves to? There are a couple of places that sell them here, but there's been an alarming theft rate increase concerning said gloves. Thanks.

  3. I dunno if the stores are the same in Canada or not. I got mine from Big5 sporting goods. It's not an official MMA glove, but a harbinger "bag glove" that I modified.

  4. I have the same Muscle and Fitness, let us know about your gains. Was a good article.
