Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Training Log: Entry 233

BJJ and MT today.

BJJ class summary:
Warm-up rolling (20, 30, and 40%)
New technique

F-in' ego driven grapplers.  Guy were trying to rip my head off at "20%".  The point of the exercise is just to warm up and try new techniques, not to see how many times you can tap the other guy Rickson. 

Notes: Really need to expand tools in toolbox from posistions.  It's good to be strong with key moves, but more variety would be an asset.

Pulled a sweet cattle-catcher.  I love that move.  Wanna work on it more.

Saw lots of opportunities for sitting out.  Woulda attempted them, but still little iffy on my shoulder.

Cardio sucked.  Of course, that's to be expected when for a warm-up you're fending for your life.

New techniques:

Main focus on guillitine today.  Showed emphasis on placing throat on crook of elbow rather than blade of forearm, turning it from an air choke into a blood choke. 

2 Drills:

Drill 1: From nuetral tie-up, shuck head to same side as leading leg with opposing arm stretched out, then slipping the improved guilltine on.

Drill 2: From the sprawl on the single leg, work the head and arm gullitine (lock both head and arm, grip inside wrist instead of hand, sit out, stick their head on the map, hip out to the outside, leg on back to keep them in place, crank for tap).


Ugh, cardio was killing me.  Ready to puke.  Tried out the class with mouthguard, might have affected breathing.

MT class:


1-2-3 to body-headkick
1-2-3 to head-leg kick

Same as warm-up, but with partner. 

Notes: Got messed up a little on recovering from blocking body to blocking head.  Learned to block head with more than just a raised glove, but to raise and put it towards the neck and block with elbow, preventing the foot from wrapping around and hitting the neck.

Drills: Alternate between the two with no pattern.

Notes: Need to work on leg checking.  Keep pointing leg in wrong direction.  Need to point out, not in.

Drills: Sparring with stipulation of no inside leg kicks, no headkicks without leg kicks.

Notes: Missed the inside leg kicks.  Still, did alright.  Went too easy on most of the partners sadly.  Need to keep hands up more on right leg roundhouse.

Drills: Bodypunching free sparring with head kicks on command for one round, same as above for another with added leg kick.  Follow both rounds with 30 right leg roundhouse then 30 legt.

Notes: Had no more gas.  Still made it through.


Was still going strong amazingly enough.  Crunches and push-ups.  Easy stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!  It sounds like you are doing a lot at your classes.  It sucks that some people don't understand what 20% means, but I've learned this summer that some people just don't get it.  I hope your shoulder completely heals.  Keep up all your hard work.  I can't wait to see you in less than a couple of weeks.  I love you!!!! ~aloha~
