Sunday, September 6, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2381


(6) Mat Pulls






GIANT SETS (dead-row-chin-neck)

(3) Deficit 2 count pause deadlift 315


T-bar rows 155


NG chins (various grips)


Ironmind Neck Harness 55




Bartos power keg (155lbs) carry for distance w/turns


1 minute rest


Notes: 2 minutes between giant sets.  It felt great to be back to this protocol.  The music was perfect (Burning Bright/Field on Fire by Nine Inch Nails: look up the lyrics, they're spot on for this), and I had an old benchmark that was usually something I managed at about 15lbs higher bodyweight.  I couldn't be more pleased.  Also got the "deadlift hangover" from this today.  Missed that feeling.

Arms were still dead from blackjack, so some lackluster performance in the rows.

Bumped up the pre-workout carbs a little more.  I also asked my wife if she's made me some rice crispie treats sometime, since our grocer store carries pumpkin spice marshmallows, and she made them that day, so I'll be using those on my next pre-lower body nutrition.  As much as I said I wasn't going to use junk food, you have to appreciate moments and gestures like these.  I like Rice Crispie treats because they're practically pure carbs, so easy to slot in with my mentality.

Discussing nutrition, way forward (assuming weight gain is a go) idea is to add post workout carbs back on the days I also have pre-workout carbs so that I'm really capping out reserves there, and then go higher fat on my upper body days and then low fat/low carb/high protein on non-lifting days.  I scored a CRAZY deal on grass fed 93% lean beef, and I want to bring red meat back into the diet but still keep it controlled, so I'm thinking of implementing the "meat and nut breakfast" I've read about before on my non high carb days, going with some grass fed beef and some sort of nut pairing.

I'll admit I'm a bit miffed that I went through all of this weight loss without ever using cheat meals/refeeds like all the cool kids do and I missed out on that opportunity, but since this was weight loss while also pursuing improved health markers, it seemed the right call.   If everything is good, I DO want to employ cheat meals, but since cheat meals make little sense when you're gaining weight, I'll most likely have to employ some manner of fasting/calorie restriction on my cheat meal days.

Training plan skeleton is going to stay the same: just going to make use of intensity modifiers to really start pushing the body to grow.  As time goes on, I may change to something more deliberate. 

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