Monday, September 28, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2401

AM WORKOUT (0300 Wake up, beat the alarm)

Barbell squats




REST PAUSE (12 Deep Breaths between sets)

2x315 (racked and adjusted belt, then immediately)









Chins (various grips)


Plate stack leg press

104 reps (only locking out to recover enough to get in more reps) with 170 on the stack immediate dropset to

50 reps of the middle portion of the ROM with 70 on the weight stack (no lockout)

Band pull aparts


KB swings 70lbs

4x20 w/90 seconds rest between sets

GHR sit ups



Assault Bike tabata intervals

Notes: Thinking of calling this one "The Princess Bride" workout, because absent a real plan I just went "to the pain".  There is not a single barbell with center knurl in this joint, and with me doing barbell squats for the first time in years and being a low bar squatter, I didn't want to go too heavy on a first thing in the morning workout.  On the first attempt at 315, I felt that pinch/burn I get on my abdomen from when I try squatting heavy without a belt on, which showed me my belt wasn't doing anything at the moment, so I readjusted it until it was providing some benefit and had a successful training session from there.

The 5x5 at 275 was funny: I accidentally did a second set of 5 when I meant to go down to 3, and then figured "well hell, let's just make it a 5x5 while I'm at it".  I might keep that up.  I've always thought there was room for some straight sets in this workout.

KB swings were a decent reverse hyper substitute.

Went full on Deep Water with the leg press.  Original goal was just to dropset it like the belt squat at home, but I kept finding more and more reps in me.  In truth, I shut it down while there was still something left, because I know that even though I may be feeling "good" in that moment, I will suffer a TON later if I keep pushing stupidly like that, and I still need to be able to move around for the next few days.  Still, sets like that are how we grow.

Once again, came into this feeling like hell and performed well.  Seems to be the story.  Got some of the best sleep I've gotten in a LONG time.  Only woke up twice: once at 2200 for some reason, and then once at 0300, at which point I figured I may as well get things going.

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