Sunday, September 27, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2400

AM WORKOUT (0300 wake up.  Beat the alarm.  The AC went out and I couldn't sleep)

High incline DB bench







Close grip incline bench 185




Bench press 225


1x7+3+3 (rest pause: 12 deep breaths between sets)

Pull ups between sets of benching


Dips Rest Pause (12 deep breaths between sets)



35+16+12+12+14+11 (maybe...something like that, either way, over 200 total reps with all the rest pauses)

Cable curls

100 reps employing dropsets

Tabata battle ropes

Notes: The DB bench went well.  Saw progress all around.  Didn't beat previous reps on the topset, but I had much better control of the bells and WENT for a 5th rep after the 4th: just didn't go anywhere.  Follow-up bench sets just felt solid all around, chins are progressing, curls were solid, etc.  No idea if bodyweight is going up or down.  I'm feeling beat to hell but strong too.  It's a weird situation.  I've got a few more days away from home and will have just enough time to re-establish my baseline before having to do it all again.  I am happy I got my health sorted out and decided I wanted to gain before this all kicked off, as otherwise I'd be going nuts.

Speaking of nuts, I learned from this experience to pack/buy a nut-butter instead of JUST mixed nuts.  They're a fine fat source, but can be a bit tough on digestion when eaten EVERY day.  Also pretty sure I need to avoid seafood for a while, as I've been eating tuna everyday and need to let my mercury levels even out.

Been making some WEIRD food combos out of what I have available.  Mixing tuna with greek yogurt, mustard, PB fit and protein powder.  Thinking about trying out riced cauliflower with greek yogurt and protein powder to make rice pudding.  Normalcy is overrated.


Let me just write this one out in a narrative.  Originally, the plan was to just got on a gentle 1 hour walk.  I've been training super hard all week, 2 a days have been standard, and I told myself I was just going to get in a little activity.

15 minutes into my walk, I stumbled onto a fitness trail, and it just seemed like a sign.  There was a pull-up bar there, and a little circular path around it, so I did a set of pull-ups, walked the circle, did a set of chin ups, and repeated.  Since I did 120 chins this morning, I went for 130 reps on this, to end up at 250 reps total, because I'm a slave to base 10.  I timed it to be around 2 minutes and 50 seconds to walk the circle, so it was a nice little built in rest period.

Shook out like this (keep in mind alternating pulls and chins each set)


Then a 15 minute walk back

So a kinda sorta easy workout.

On the food report, I just ordered a bunch of these to bring next time I'm here

They also have an apple crisp flavor I ordered.  Shoulder answer the mail of getting in easier fats.

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