Friday, December 16, 2005

Training Log: Entry 158

Pain in lower back comes and goes.  Resting more.

Finally stepped back into the MMA gym.  Had my first real boxing lesson in about 6 months.

Warm-up (stretches and such)
W/O gloves
Work 1-2 combos
Work 1-2-3
Work 1-2-3-4
Weighted 1-2s
Weighted uppercuts
Weighted upward punches
Two laps around gym throwing 1-2

W/Gloves on bag
Jabs around bag
1-2 step left 1-2 step right
1-2s in place
Work hooks on both sides
A little's all a blur

W/O gloves
Weighted 1-2s
Weighted uppercuts
Weighted up punches
Weighted arm circles (30/30)
Lunge side lateral raise
Squat front lateral raise
2 laps around gym weighted 1-2s
Medicine ball french press
30 second squat holding medicine ball out in front
Ab stuff (bicycle crunch, 90 degree crunch, leg lifts, etc)

Throughout the whole thing was some random lunges, squats, and push-ups.  No real biggie there.

Was able to hold out on most of the muscular endurance stuff.
Lowerback was aching on ab stuff
Cardio is a mess.  Need more fuel in gas tank.
Solid class.  Great workout.  Looking forward to my next one.


  1. WOW!!! It sounds like you had a very busy and productive day.  I'm glad that things are working out with this school and that you are getting a good work out.  Take care of your back.  Don't aggrevate it too much.  I'm really glad you found somewhere to train over break.  Good Luck with everything.  I am looking forward to more posts about this.  Keep up all your hard work.  Take care.  You are amazing!!!  I love you!  ~aloha~

  2. you should compete man, it'll give you a drive and take your game to the next level. Trust me on it. Keep up the hard work. Train to fight, fight to live, live to fight.
