Monday, August 11, 2008

Training Log: Entry 602

Squats of 365+chains

Notes: Had a plan to hit a 5 and 2 triples, but decided to crush it.  I think I'm on the road to peaking on this routine, and I got some damn fine momentum.  Gonna ride this out, and hopefully hit 405+chains, then hit a deload or just a solid week off and consider switching routines.

Incline bench of 210

Notes: Have been gripping the bar too wide, so narrowed it up on second set and got better results.

Band rows w/2lights

Notes: This is doing a good job of saving my back.


Got a jump rope the other day.  Gonna start working my GPP a little.  Will throw in the accessory work tomorrow.


  1. I'm glad your back didn't hinder you this time. Do you ever do box squats?

  2. I do them, just not on the current program.  I don't have access to a good box for heavy weight though.
