Saturday, October 11, 2008

Training Log: Entry 621

ME lower

Powerlifting style squats
425x1 (New PR)
450x1 (New PR)
465x1 (New PR)

Notes: Had more in me, but didn't want to push my luck.  Pavel's 3-5 with the chains was a great pay off, as once I got out of the hole, I had no struggles.  Depth is right where I need it to be, but I'd like it an inch lower or so to be sure.  Low box squatting should help out on my DE days.

Trap bar lifts w/315

Notes: Weight was challening but managable.  Might actually increase the distance by standing on more pads.  I bought some patio rubber tiles that work great to dampen the noise and impact.  Felt my quads getting really recruited, and think this will at least help me recruit more leg drive into my pulling.

Band pull throughs w/light band

Notes: Man, fatigue kicks in on the end of the sets pretty heavy here.  Focused on locking out and squeezing my glutes at the end.

Band ab pulldown w/2 lights supersetted with Hise shrug w/225

Notes: Might put shrugs on this day instead of my upper, but just wanted to make up for yesterday's mistake with the shin scrape anyway.  Should be getting some average bands soon, which will really open up my possibilities.