Friday, June 5, 2020

TKD Lesson for about 50 minutes.

Went back over sprawls.  Warmed up with an old wrestling drill of running in place and dropping to a sprawl.  My kid still falls to their hands or knees first, but we went back to drilling on a live person and it made more sense, then we got back into the drill.

Kid still doesn't like making a fist correctly.  It's becoming a point of contention between us.  They're arguing that the difference between correct and how they like to do it is minor. By argument is that the minor difference will break their thumbs.  I hate having to come down on my kid over something so small, but I also have seen what happens if I let them practice something incorrectly for a while and then try to fix it later.

Did more punching from the waist drills, then worked on the second half of Dan Gun.  My kid finally got the stance transitions today.  It was a huge victory.  I had to break them down to very small steps that really shouldn't need to be done, but it's progress.  I've seen my kid walk on a balance beam many times with no issues, but if they're standing on the floor and pick one foot off, they fall over like they're drunk.  I'm 100% certain it's a dramatic thing they're doing to be goofy, but it makes things frustrating teaching.  It showed at the end of the lesson today when we tried to do round kicks, something my kid has done before, and they couldn't stand on one foot long enough to chamber their leg to kick.  Rather than lose my cool, I told my kid to work on that on their own, and we finished up with some push kicks so that we'd end on a victory.

I let my kid pick what to do before the lesson was over, and they picked roundhouses again.  They're strong, but my kid falls over in between each kick.  I think I'm gonna just need to get in some balance drills for the interim. 


  1. Just wanna say it's been really interesting reading your lessons and seeing your progress as a teacher. I forgot for the longest time you have a TKD background.

    1. Thanks dude. Was hoping it wasn't too weird for my regular audience, haha. TKD will always be special to me, even if it didn't grant me the ability to fight. It's been pretty awesome being able to share it.
