Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Training Log: Entry 2685


10 rounds on the BAS (2:30 on, :45 off)
Mix of boxing and limited kicks

20 minute speed hobble/run

Notes: 16oz gloves with the BAS, and used my new shin guards just to get a feel for them.  Couldn't generate a whole lot of power at first with the groin, but eventually got a little warm and loose and could throw a few decent right straights and lead/rear hooks.  Lead uppercut couldn't fire well.  The kicks were very light, but I got in a few hard right roundhouses.   When I finished, I had a good sweat going and it was the hottest day we've had all year, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get in some heat training.  Didn't quite have full ability to run, and was more just jogging/hobbling.  Not entirely sure if I ever had both feet off the ground at the same time.

Much like @jshaving , it's been a return to 10th grade for me too these days.  I used to run during the hottest time of day back in San Diego and work on my tan, and I embraced that today.  It was honestly pretty cool to catch my reflection on car windows as I ran by and see how much I had transformed since those days, but to also still have fallen back completely into those times.  Even had the Stabbing Westward playing on the MP3 player.

Recovery in general seems to be moving along quickly.  I'm still going to go with an overhead press day vs a deadlift day tomorrow to give me a little more time to recover, but I don't doubt I can get in some lower body work the next time it comes up.


  1. Even the term "MP3 player" is a throwback, haha. Hope you heal soon.

    1. I'm still pretty damn oldschool, haha. Never embraced having my phone as my music player.
