Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Training Log: Entry 216

Rack lockout ME day.  Instead of increasing the weight of the RL, I'm lowering the location of the pins.  I went down one notch while maintaing 315 for 2 reps.  If I can keep this up, I'll eventually move to having 315 at a max.

Improved on all other lifts as well.  Used 95s for DB flat bench press.  They were so dusty that crap kept falling into my eyes.


  1. Wait, if you did 315 for 2 reps, how do you go to having it as your max?

  2. Because I'm lowering the pin placement, so that eventually it'll be equal to the range of motion of bench press, at which point I can bench 315lbs for max.  Presently, I'm moving the weight a little more than halfway up.

  3. goddamn. you'd be pretty strong if you manage 315.
    What are rack lockouts? Is it on a machine? Does that give a small mechanical advantage?

  4. It's basically benching in the squat rack with the pins set higher than your chest level.  My bench max is around 305-310.
