Saturday, March 27, 2010

Training Log: Entry 839

More boxing training, this time with video

3x2 minute rounds of mitt work

Notes: My conditioning is returning pretty rapidly, as has been my experience whenever I get back into combat sports.

3x2 on the heavybag

Notes: Don't throw too many left hooks in a row, it aggrivates my shoulder


Notes: I'm dropping my hands too much. Even though I'm from a safe distance at the time, it's a bad habit. I also drop my hands when I get in close for hooks, and I need to do the exact opposite. I'm trying too hard to be "loose", and it's just translating to sloppy. Need to work angles, I'm moving straight back and forward when I try to hit.


  1. You look a lot more fluid than before. No more peek-a-boo stance? You kind of remind me of Joe Frazier now.

  2. I go peek a boo when I'm close enough, but this guy likes to just get in and out, so I'm never really in any danger.  As a result, my hands are down more until he finally gets within range.

  3. Hey dude I practice Thai boxing and not western boxing but for a minor criticism I would work a little on your footwork. You were a bit flat footed on the videos when your throwing some of your punches, your feet should pivot more and almost like spring through the movement. If you see old mike tyson videos you'll notice he's movement is like a spring, he descends then ascends like a spring up through his legs from the ground then his hips, core and finally shoulders and arms when the punch is landed and this all comes together firstly from good footwork at the very start of the movement. I know you were only doing light/moderate sparring though and it's more difficult on a moving target than say a heavy bag. Good luck.

  4. Yeah, footwork has been a weakpoint of mine.  The guy I'm training with has been helping me with it.
