Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2388


GIANT SETS (SSB squat-box jump-reverse hyper)

SSB squats

Box jumps

Reverse hyper 230

Power clean-pull up circuit (no rest between round)
9 reps each
7 reps each
5 reps each

Notes: 3:45 between sets on the giant sets.  Really like what I've come up with here.  The hard rep numbers on the work up sets and the assistance work in between does a good job of fatiguing me and making light weight feel heavy, to the point that the back off set is a real challenge.  Might throw in one more, as this workout clocks in at the 50 minute point.  Glad to find a way to get the cleans in there; don't want to lose what work I've put in. 

Still no real drive to get up in the morning.  Just gonna ride it out.

Woke up at 196.4.  My caffeine consumption is way up.  I notice that tends to happen when I drop fat.


  1. Heh. I'm always well caffeinated.

    I bought a 32 oz pour over coffee maker the other week. It makes coffee as good as the baristas across the street from where I work do and maybe uses just as many beans but it's totally worth it and rather pain free as far as manual coffee making goes. Highly recommend if you like coffee.

    1. Appreciate it dude. Never got into coffee. My weakness is energy drinks and diet soda.

    2. No worries. I know coffee isn't for eveyonee.

      I do a lot of energy drinks too. Not nearly as many as before, but I'm definitely going to be having a few during the meet.

      Favorites are NOS, honestly. Red bull is ok but doesn't have the same punch.

      I did run caffeine pills once. Never again. Too easy to overdose on, and the crazy thing is the amount I took was nowhere near ld50 but I felt like I was gonna die.

    3. I don't do anything special with coffee. If I buy it from a shop it's an Americano. If I make it now I add some lactose free half and half.

    4. Also just wanna say that regarding diet soda; thank you.

      Reading g through your blog conceived me to switch over to diet and while options are limited, I am able to enjoy it so much more now.

      Sometimes, with as terrible as retail is, it's the only thing keeping me sane.
