Friday, July 10, 2020

Training Log: Entry 2704


Squat warm-up

SSB Squat/Front squat alternating sets

5x12x255lbs of SSB Squats
5x8x185 SSB front squats
1x12x135 of SSB squats immediately after final set of front squats

4 minute rest

Reverse hyper 320lbs

2 minute rest

30 hang power snatches in 5:35 w/95lbs

Notes: 2:00 between sets of squats and sets of reverse hypers.  Threw in that final set of SSB squats after the front squats because I came up with the idea of it any head instinctively shook itself "no", so I knew it was the right move.  On the snatches, I need to think the word "fast" or else I press the snatch out.  It was a solid conditioning effort.  The weights for the squats were just about perfect with these rest times.  Still not full on Deep Water, but I made it halfway through the final set of 255 on SSB squats and had to really grind out the rest of it.  Abductor is doing better but not 100%.  Caught myself bouncing off of it in the earlier sets of SSB squats.  It's a bad habit I've had for a while that's finally caught me.  Squats are going to have to be even slower for a while.  Always the option of squat briefs or box squats in the future if things get drastic, but so far this is working.

Weighed in at 185.0 on the dot this morning, once again post yogurt and energy drink.  Body is feeling slightly fatigued.  Trying to up the protein where I can.

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