Friday, July 17, 2020

Training Log: Entry 2709


SSB Squats/SSB front squats (Odd sets squats, even sets front squats)

SSB Squats 255lbs
5x13(+10x135 on final set)

SSB front squats 185lbs

3 minute rest

Reverse hyper 320


Hang power snatch 115-jump over barbell-jump over barbell-hang power clean 115-jump over barbell-jump over barbell-repeat

Did 6 reps of snatch and clean in 4:05

Notes: 3 minutes rest between sets of squats.  As noted: did a stripset on the final set of SSB squats.  101 reps in 9 sets.  This is still not Deep Water, but it's approaching it.  The left abductor keeps getting better.  It's still showing signs of not wanting to play nice, but getting more and more resilient.  Also catching myself when I try to bounce off the abductor, and realized I was rushing the front squat into the rack on the final rep, which was causing some pain.  Now I make sure to finish the rep strong and then rack it.

I really like what I came up with on the conditioning.  I've seen/heard about it before, and figured why not.  The jumps really prime me to explode on the snatches and cleans.  I'm definitely doing the "youtube star tuck jumps" vs legit jumps with only a slight knee bend, but I'm also clearing the barbell while it's elevated on crash pads rather than off the floor, so that's something.

Weighed in at 184.4 this morning, and that seems more accurate vs the 182.8 I had on Monday. 

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