Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Training Log: Entry 2710


GIANT SETS (chins-press-abs)

Weighted NG Chins

Log clean and press away
3x235 (some sort of PR I’m sure.  I’ve hit 1x265 and 2x250 before at much heavier bodyweights)

Standing ab wheel

GIANT SETS (rows-Weighted dips/DB press odd sets OR behind the neck barbell press/dips even sets-raise)

Cable rows 105

Weighted dips 85/DB press 50s

Behind the neck barbell press 100/dips

DB lateral raise 15s

Band pull aparts

Notes: Only rested long enough to load equipment for sets up to 200lb on log, then 90 second rests.  90 second rests for second round of giant sets.  This was a surprisingly good day, and it was also a day where I went with a high fat pre-workout meal vs high carb.  My benching day last week showed similar results.  I may be onto something there.  Log cleans were snappy until the very end, where I got out of my head and was focused too much on the press and not how I was going to get there.  Things were feeling great.  I imagine lack of abdominal circumference is actually a significant variable there: I don’t have to roll the log over my gut, and it moves smoothly into place.  Press was feeling strong, and I feel like my strength is stabilizing from the initial drop with the weight loss.

With those behind the neck presses, a Nine Inch Nails lyric sums it up well: “And in a dream I'm a different me/With a perfect you/We fit perfectly/And for once in my life I feel complete/And I still want to ruin it”  Things are moving great, so of course I’m gonna change it, haha.  Got infected with the drive to do these again after re-reading “Complete Keys to Progress”.  Also picked up the helpful tip to start them from the FRONT, then bring them down behind the neck and go from there.  It’s a jillion times better than how I was doing it before, and I think it will make it far more sustainable.  I dig how little weight this movement takes to just obliterate the shoulders.

That said, I feel like I’ve got a good approach going where I do the Max Effort movement as supplemental work the week before, because it gives me a chance to rebuild the skills the week before I really need to move heavy weight, so I think how I’m going to shake this out is that, on weeks I’m pressing the axle as Max Effort work, I’ll do either trap bar or log (depending on what is next on the schedule) for supplemental work.  On weeks I’m pressing a trap bar or log, I’ll do behind the neck press.  Since the axle gets rotated in every other week, I’m not too worried about losing skills on it.  Should keep my shoulders in good repair as well.

The weighted dips remain awesome, and my elbows aren’t pissed off like they usually are after long periods of weighted dips and chins.

Moved the greens supplement to my post workout shake rather than my later day meals.  It goes down smooth enough that way.

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