Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2463


GIANT SETS (squats-jumps-hypers)

SSB squat
6x430 (pr)

Box jumps

Reverse hyper 360

Notes: 3:45 between sets.  Actually went for some heavy deadlift singles in hopes of pulling a new PR before I moved, but it wasn't to be.  I've let my form get away from me, and I'm losing out on leg drive.  I think, once I get settled, I'm going to play around with this day some and work in some deficit axle deadlifts or some cleans in place of the box jumps in order to redrill getting my hips under my shoulders.  This was still a great workout in spite of all that. 

Woke up at 194.6.  Weight seems to be free falling.  I'm eating quite a bit to compensate.


  1. Interesting comment re: deadlifts. I think I've found the same after 3 cycles of 5/3/1 now, that my rep technique feels better with my stance a little wider and hips a little higher, but that my max technique is feet closer and torso more upright. Once again, the question of what is a deadlift? Might be some insight as to why Mark Felix crushes the deadlift rep events, but doesn't come close on max events, with his wider stance and higher hips. I know people have pulled big both ways, but strongman allows us to look at the disparity of rep strength vs. max strength and make some guesses. I've thought about doing the leader/leader/anchor with this in mind. Use the leaders with higher reps and a technique that facilitates that, then for the anchor, hit only the minimum reps and then do joker sets with the narrower, more max technique. I've got one show coming up with a high axle pull, so that's better for rep strength, but then my one after that will be barbell from the floor and I'll be shooting for 1-3 reps, so I might put this theory to the test for that.


    1. That's a solid observation about Felix. I'm honestly upset I never made it, haha. I remember always being curious about his showings in max weight events. Excited to see how your experiment goes.

    2. Steal away, I don't care. Nothing's original. The conclusion of my experiment, or round one of it anyway, would be at Estes, so come see for yourself!
