Thursday, June 27, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2465


Texas Power Bar touch and go deadlifts
**23x405** (lifetime PR)

Front squat to back squat superset w/225lbs

Notes: Since I still have to unload all the crap I loaded into the moving truck in the near future, I didn't want to get too destroyed or risk blowing something out, so I figured I'd keep the weight light and go for a rep PR.  23 was the goal, and I'm glad I hit it, but I'm pissed at myself because I forgot to take off my knee sleeves before the set.  Was snagging on the bar and forced me to let the weight get a little more out in front of me.  Fixing that, and getting back to my deadlift bar, I'm sure I coulda done even more.  This is still a 3 rep PR over my best effort otherwise, and done in a commercial gym as well, I'm excited.  Can definitely still see some progress.  And I was pretty destroyed after it was done.  Got it on video too, just need to be able to grab it off my camera.  Decent footage too, compared to the press video, which I watched and discovered you can't even see me in it, haha.

That front squat to backsquat superset was pretty intense.  My groin injury reflared on the first rep of the back squats, but once I regrouped at the top I was good to go again.  It's been feeling better in general, but just keeps having little retweaks along the way.


  1. Damn, maybe the universe is trying to tell you something and you should always train in a commercial gym.

    1. Hah! Most likely seeing the benefit of some forced downtime and the ability to heal. Still nice to have some victories to celebrate.
