Training Log: Entry 21
Ranger Challenge kicked my ass. We ran for 50 minutes at a 6-7
minute mile pace. I was able to keep up pace for the first .5-.75
of the run, but after enough time I felt sick and fell out of formation
to regain my composure.
We would stop occasionally to do push-ups in the middle of our run in
order for the slower people to have time to catch up with us. I
was actually able to regain my breath during these periods, and had no
difficulties whatsoever in regards to performance in this aspect of
training. I believe I was the only one who was doing push-ups
with no hesitation.
I definately have great expectations of this training.
NOTE: My appetite has increased as a result of this mornings training. I will note the effects.
Attending Martial Arts training. The day's focus was on boxing.
Drill 1: Left jab-left lead uppercut. Counter was catch jab-cover block
Drill 2: Jab-cross, counter was shoulder roll-bob and weave-right cross-left hook blocked by shoulder roll-cover block
Drill 3: Jab-cross, counter was catch jab-slip cross-left body
uppercut-bob and weave left hook from agressor-right cross-left hook
Drill 4: Focus Mitts drills: Single/Double/Triple Jab, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4 combinations. (1 round, 3 minutes)
Drill 5: Focus Mitts drills (focus on targeting) Jab-lead left hook, jab-cross-low left hook-right left hook, jab-low right hook
Drill 6: Breathing drill: Partner punches abdomen for 3 minutes; focus on breathing while being hit
Note: Training partner was of no value. Very undynamic and
unfocused. Lacked ability to hold pads correctly. Must make
sure not to pair up with him in the future.
Further note: Jeff requested I bring my mouthpiece. I believe he
wants me to spar. He also cracked a smile when I informed him the
black eye I received was from a club in Hillsboro.