Saturday, September 25, 2004

Training Log: Entry 23

Friday 24 Sep 04

Went on an hour long ruckmarch (a hard march with a rucksack on your
back, weighing 35-60lbs) followed by slight PT session with LCE (the
belt/suspender combo with 2 full canteens and other fun gear).

March wore me the fuck out.  It was a powerwalk pace, which was
killer on my shins.  A slow jog I can do.  A walk I can
do.  A powerwalk is just annoying  It was dark, night vision
sucked, twisted my ankles on more than one occasion.  I did manage
to make it through though, and wasn't the last person up the hill.

NOTE: At this point in time, I was not issued the sack, so I had to use
a backpack.  Backpacks put weight directly on the shoulders,
rather than on the back and hips like a rucksack, thus I feel my
performance may improve with the right amount of gear.

PT with LCEs was easy.  I'm still dominating in regards to strength.

Spent most of the rest of the day getting R&R.  Think I was asleep more hours than I was awake.


  1. Still  dominating in regards to strength? Glad to hear it though its not surprising . glad your getting some rest in your spare time. Don't want you dying on me. btw: when are you off for your fall break? i need to write it down. I'd ask you on Aim but as i'm sure you've noticed, i haven't turned on Aim in at least a month and a half now.

  2. I believe I'm off from Oct 15-22, but I'll have to get some confirmation.
    No worries about AIM; I've been invised for a while now.
