Training Log: Entry 22
Wed 22 Sep 04:
Took the Physical Fitness Test (PT Test) with Army. I need
a calender to time my two mile (16:55) and my sit-ups are pretty
average (65 in two minutes) but I absolutely destroyed everyone else on
push-ups (101 in two minutes), scoring at least 20 more than the second
highest score. Made the guy running Ranger Challenge crack a
smile when he asked for my push-ups score.
Did some spriting afterwards. Was feeling sick. Need to get my cardio up.
Experienced extreme fatigue yesterday as a result of lack of
nourishment. At 1900, I crashed hard. Took a nap until
2100, joined some friends for coffee (didn't drink, just hung out), and
was still completely out of it. They helped me back to my dorm in
fear that I wouldn't make it on my own.
Thurs 23 Sep 04:
8 hours of rest helped my condition. Ran through the grenade
course with Army. Need to work on form and aim, but I seem to at
least have the strength to throw them the distance they need to go.
Sick and fatiugued? Well i'm sure their pushing your pretty hard so your justifiably so. Take it easy on yourself for a change all the same, I know the army's beating you tired, but i suspect your beating yourself tired as well!