Saturday, May 2, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1847

(5) Mat Pulls 570+chains
18 reps total

Notes: 12 in the first, 3 and then 3.  Felt like crap, underfed and in a sleep deficit, so another great bad day PR.  Last heavy deadlift day until comp, and after that the month of May is pretty jacked up for me, so I'm going to have to make due where I can.

Set itself was great, but left hip got a little pissed off, so I didn't fight for many of the reps.

DOH hold 405+chains
60 seconds

Zeno Squats


Notes: Hip was done on the last set.  Goal was 8.  Still a killer set.

General strongman notes: Got a keg for $15 yesterday and found out about a comp in Aug in San Diego, nearby my parents.  Stoked about it, they've always wanted to see me perform.  Torn on a decision point.  The 200lb class weights are incredibly light and the open weights would be more of a challenge, but since it's my parents, I kind of want to put on a good show.  Additionally, I might be able to handle the open weights just fine, but I'm already doing one contest where I've giving up a ton of weight, don't know how much I want to keep doing that.  Will think it over.

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