Thursday, May 28, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1860

Squats 455


Notes: Heading to San Diego for the weekend, wanted to get in my squats now so that when I get home on Sunday I can just hit my mat pulls and be done. Think I may need to reset the top set to 8 just to have enough gas to get in more reps later. I can manage that initial set of 9, but it takes everything out of me. Tried for more, and the hips and knees just weren't having it.

Standing Ab wheel

Notes: Easing back into this so that I don't spend 2 weeks in agony.

Neck harness 45lbs

Sandbag (205lbs) runs
2x120' (60' with turn)

Notes: Just a sort of grab bag workout today (get it, grab BAG...I slay me). Hitting the odds and ends that I missed during the week. May not be able to hit the yoke, so I did something that had me moving my feet quickly with a heavy load. Definitely noticed improved footspeed on this.


  1. An imminent 500x5 squat is going to kick ass. By the way, what kind of neck harness do you have? I'm thinking about picking up a Spud (I've heard the material harness of the Ironmind one tends to fray unless you get their $60 loading pin for plate loading, whereas Spud's products are dirt cheap and with chains).

  2. Thanks man. I hit 495 for 5 a few years back with wraps, but all of this is just sleeves, so that would be pretty sweet, especially since this is just assistance work.

    I use a spud. Its awesome, highly recommend.
