Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2470


GIANT SETS (squat-clean pulls-reverse hypers)

SSB squat

Clean pulls 235

Reverse hyper 410

Notes: 3:45 between sets.  Original plan was to alternate between box jumps and clean pulls each set, but I need to find a better spot to set up my box in the gym.  Couldn't pull the trigger on the jump because I was too nervous of where I'd land on a misfire.  Cleans pulls served the purpose well though, as it's more time reinforcing getting my hips down.  Need to warm up for them slightly better next time, as I immediately pulled something in my tricep on the eccentric of the first rep.  I could ALSO just plain not have an eccentric now that I'm in my own garage and not in a duplex, but old habits die hard.  I also JUST realized I could also implement something I always wanted by using the prowler between sets too, so long as I train in the evenings, but that would mean having the garage door open, and right now I'm appreciating training in the sweltering heat.  I've taken to using the term "descend into Hell" when I get to my training space, since I have to take some stairs down and the heat is like a blast furnace.

The topset of SSB squats was phenomenal.  Really needed that.  I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I'm thinking I'm down a bit.  Mrs commented on how my work clothes are hanging off me.  I'm eating food like it's my job and my appetite is matching my efforts.  Might as well ride it out though.  Seems the strength wants to come back.

Had plans to hammer the back with some rows after this was done, since the bar was loaded, but I was wiped.  Conditioning isn't all the way back yet.  Can always sneak them in tomorrow though.

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