Saturday, July 20, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2476


MAX EFFORT LOWER: Trap bar lifts (high handle)

GIANT SET (dead-hyper-squat)

(4) Deficit axle dead stop deadlift 296

Reverse hyper 310

SSB front squat (flat soled shoes) 115

General notes: 3:45 between heavy sets, 2:00 between giant sets.  Trap bar lifts were a total success.  This is a fantastic implement for max effort work, because you can really go full out with it, strain hard, and give it your all.  To make it somewhat carry over to my pulls, I focused on keeping my deadlift stance, rather than using the stance best suited for trap bar pulls.  Feet closer together, toes flared out.  I know you can't see any of that in the Zapruder film of a training video I've uploaded, but trust me.

The video shows exactly the feeling I felt: I got for the pull, my body searches for the ideal position, finds it, and then starts pulling.  Results in a delay between when I commit and when the bar starts moving, but I feel like there's going to be some value added in learning how to overcome that initial inertia.  Once I can break it, it starts moving. 

I wanted that 700, but the prudent move was to call it on a victory and go for the reps.  Those 5 were hard fought, and I may have had some more for the day, but I'm still learning the movement. 

The giant sets were amazingly terrible.  Many times spent wanting to quit, feeling like I was going to vomit, wondering if I was going to pass out, thinking about how awful it would be to notify my next of kin that I died in a garage from heat stroke during a workout, etc.  Thankfully, I had one ace up my sleeve: I am the Juggernaut.  So that helped. 

The deficit is almost as high as it can possibly get without the bar being on my feet.  I think I'm going to start the cycle over and up the weight.  It's been effective so far.

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