Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2474


GIANT SETS (squat-stone-hyper)

Buffalo bar squat

Stone of steel lap and extension from floor (unloaded)

Reverse hyper 410

Notes: 3:45 between sets.  With a potential competition coming up, along with the new layout and some new toys available, I've replaced the jumps/clean pulls with stone extensions.  Basically lapping the stone and then hitting a triple extension with it/mock getting it over the bar. I'm letting it crash onto the titan crash pads and then just starting over.  Those pads are money, btw.  Totally deafen the noise and absorb all the impact, at least for now.  I'll keep loading the stone as time goes on and will see how this unfolds.

Seems squatting is about the only thing that bothers the hip now.  Sucks for that hip, because I'm going to be squatting for a while, but at least I think that means it's sorta healing.  The 410 for 6 was a good show.  I think I had a 7th in me if I needed it, but right now I'm just trying to get back to what I was. 

Ordered a new toy during the Prime days/everyone else competing days: rackable trap bar. 


I've never cared for trap bars, but part of me wonders if I've just not had the right one.  The loading pins on this one finally look long enough for me to do some damage, it's got low handles (which my old one didn't), and it's rackable, which opens up avenues for pressing as well.  I figure, if this one doesn't work, it wasn't meant to be.  As it stands, I'm eager to give it a go for some max effort and supplemental work.

Ended up selling my old one to help finance it.  Never cared for it, but it's still hard to part with old pieces of gear.  I remember buying it from a Play it Again Sports in CO, visiting my in-laws about 11 years ago.  Had to figure out a way to get it home in the minivan on top of all of our other luggage.  We managed somehow.  It was after I had blown out my back too, and I figured this was going to revolutionize things for me.  ...it didn't, but my wife got some training value out of it.  Figure I'll let her play with this one too.


  1. I'm pretty sure I've damaged the labra in both my hips, and squatting seems to be the worst thing for setting off the pain (which comes later, not during the workout). When it's hurting, keeping my squats shallower seems to help.

    1. I'm curious if it's labrum or not. I get the pain IN the squat, and then I'll feel it in everyday life sometimes. Crossing my legs can trigger it pretty good. Keeps seeming like it's on the mend, but slowly.

    2. Mine isn't confirmed by MRI, but it's a guess based on a doctor's exam and "the shape of my hip sockets" from an x-ray. I don't think crossing my legs ever triggers the pain, but deep squats can make walking the next day feel like daggers in the joint. Good luck on your mending.
