Monday, July 8, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2468

I have returned.  And with my return comes the creation of the next training space to achieve my goals.  Observe.









Top down deadlift with texas deadlift bar


Axle deficit deadlift (deadstop)

Reverse hyper

SSB front squat to SSB squat (no rest between exercise) of 155lbs

Notes: First, holy cow Nebraska is humid.  This was the most I have sweat during a workout in a LONG time.  Zero fear of ever pulling a muscle from not being warm.  Second, trying out some new stuff now.  After hitting 405 for 23 reps I don't have any concerns about my rep strength, so now I want to start feeling some heavy weight in my hands and see what kind of damage I can do.  Also, to give a total peek behind the curtain, after spending a week away from training but still being very active (like, by unloading 15,080lbs out of a moving truck in less than a day, and carrying a freezer down some basement stairs, and moving an entire gym MULTIPLE times to get everything in the right spot), I know I've accumulated a lot of fatigue and most likely dropped some bodyweight, so I didn't want to jump right back into what I was doing before at risk of regressing, so I've brought back a VERY old staple of max effort work.  I think I have a much better understanding of the Westside method compared to what I did before, and though I'm not going to claim to be using THAT in particular, I can at least poach some of it.

On that note, first time EVER doing topdown deads, and I liked them, but there was a learning curve as a result.  I need to put the j-hooks on the 8th spot rather than the 9th next time.  9 was good for warmups, but once the bar started flexing, it became too high, and I nearly lost it on both of the re-racks with 585.  Took a while to figure out the unracks too.  405 felt incredibly heavy, and considering I had pulled it for 23 reps earlier, I knew that wasn't right.  Dialed things in and then 585 moved very well.  Was able to do a controlled negative with 635, but wasted too much energy on the set-up and had nothing on the return.  Might go with it for 1 more week and then pick something new.

I HAVE done deficit pulls before, but it's been like a decade, and last time they injured me.  This time, seems I have the mechanics much better figured out.  Used an axle to make this REALLY silly, because it won't flex at all, which makes this a REAL deficit pull.  Went deadstop for 2 reasons.  1 being that it will get more benefit from the deficit pulls (specifically my goal of re-learning how to get my hips under my shoulders at the start of the pull), but second being that, since I no longer live in a duplex, and I'm a corner house, and my garage is as far from other humans as possible on my street, I can make noise and only bother my loving family.  Again, changes in training.

The superset was brutal, and once it was over, I had nothing left in me.  Went with that squat workout.  If I do it again, I need to take off the belt between the front and SSB squats.  Gives me more room for reps.

More changes in training to come.  Thinking of alternating by set on my press workout between pressing and behind the neck pressing.  I have 2 racks now, with my yoke being set up.  Great time to take advantage of that.  Stay tuned.

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