Saturday, July 13, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2472


Max Effort (Top Down deadlifts)
1x600 (15lb PR from previous session)
1x605 (20lb PR from previous session)

SUPERSET (deadlift-reverse hyper)

(3) Deficit axle deadlift 296 (deadstop)

Reverse hyper 280

Buffalo bar squat 230

Notes: 3:45 between sets of Max Effort work.  2:00 between supersets.  Applied some lessons learned from previous workout, set the j-hooks to 8 and it was MUCH easier to re-rack.  Could just fall into the rack after the set.  Wasted less energy and had more in me for the pulls.  May have had another set after that 605, but wanted to end on a victory. 

I'm such a 1 trick pony, but it's a good trick, so I'm playing with ROM again on the deficit pulls.  This time, I'm keeping weight the same and increasing the ROM by standing on more platforms each session.  I also noticed I was already being lazy in my deadstop pulls, so I focused on quick regroups between reps.  This felt "easier" than last week, most likely as I'm adjusting.  Going to get stupid with it next session with 4 mats and see if it's getting too silly at that point.

The squat workout at the end was ok, but not enough blood and guts.  I'm thinking I'm going to make the superset a giant set next time, going deadlift-hyper-SSB front squat to get in some more leg volume, and then maybe finish it off with something crazy after all that.

Abs were sore from ab wheel.  Just new programming order.

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