Saturday, August 8, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2722

Static now seems so obvious, haha. There are TONS of low tech solutions for getting a strong grip out there. A classic from Pavel is to just wring out a wet towel as hard as you can. Keep wetting it as needed. Super simple.


Buffalo Bar Squat














50 NG chins in under 5 minutes 

Notes: In case you don't want to watch 20 minutes of squatting, I only rested long enough to change plates between sets.  My left hamstring was giving me warning signs on rep 1, so I had to take things slow on the eccentric. Felt something pinch and burn on my right lower ab on the backdown set of 140. If I weren't dealing with that nonsense, I would have either gone for 8s on the way down of pushed 140 as my max rep set, but this still answered the mail, as this was coming off my third night shift and I just wanted to get in and done.

The first 2 sets are literally the warm up for this workout.  I did 3 standing high jumps before that but that's it.

Cycled between grips on the chins, just because I was actually a bit unsatisfied with the workout and wanted to get in a little more work and earn a post workout meal. It's tough, because I have company coming over and don't want to spend the whole time being sore and limping around, but I am finally about healed on squats.

Got the next 11 or so days off work. Should be great.

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