Wednesday, October 11, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3083

AM WORKOUT (0425 give up via alarm: very rough night of sleep, kept overheating)

40 minute bodyweight circuit.  As many rounds as possible of

* 3 prisoner squats

* 3 push ups

* 1 chin

But EMOM, do 1 axle floor to overhead w/103lbs

105 rounds completed: 100 in under 38 minutes

Poundstone curls



Walk w/dog


* Still just playing the week by ear and really enjoying how organically the process unfolds.  Was feeling beat up from all the heavy work so picked bodyweight, and also made this a way to get in high quality reps for my daily 300, because I noted that my chest and triceps have been pretty sore these past few days, and it’s BECAUSE I actually put in 300 quality reps of push ups vs the garbage partial reps I’ve been doing just to “get it done”.  There’s a balancing act among all of this, and discovering that is part of the fun.

* Prisoner squats have an added shoulder stimulus from raising my hands and putting them behind my head.  It seems insignificant, until you do it 300 times.  

* I’ll always dig a floor to overhead as a “catfish” movement.  Just something to break up the rhythm and keep me honest.  Without that, I’ll start to really slow down on the rounds and circuits, but knowing that I have A movement looming at the top of every minute is incentive to move quick.

* This is honestly like Kalsu turned on it’s head.  100 rounds of bodyweight work interrupted by EMOM floor to overhead, vs 100 rounds of floor to overhead interrupted with bodyweight work.

* I’m leaner again.  It still catches me off guard how my body will physically manifest illness now.  Whenever I come down with a small bug, my face gets puffy, the area around my eyes gets block, and my midsection will hold more water.  This didn’t happen before I transitioned my diet, which, in turn, leads me to believe that I’ve healed so much now FROM a state of perpetual illness.  My body is now in a state where day to day it is thriving, and when it gets sick it’s surviving, vs a state wherein day to day it was surviving such that, when I got ill, there was no physical manifestation to be had: I was already living it.  Pretty wild really.  I’ve got the Mrs to confirm this too, as she will comment on how my face looks puffy and how it looks better, and this morning she was agog when I came back upstairs post workout glow, telling me I was her eye-candy.  Good place to be.

* I’m also seeing the benefit of that practice Thanksgiving as far as large meal/carb refeed goes, whereas I didn’t experience that last week because of the illness.  Again: really cool to see how all of this goes.  And while I’m celebrating/documenting stuff, I’m about a month sober of energy drinks and coffee and experienced no withdraw when I just suddenly stopped.  Also, my dad reached his initial goal of 40lbs lost with his ketogenic diet approach, met with his doc, got his blood pressure meds cut in half (and he’s looking to just stop them entirely) and is going through a brief stabilization period before he takes on another 15lb loss.  Just doing absolutely awesome: super proud of him.

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