Monday, October 23, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3087

AM WORKOUT (0423 natural wake up)


*35 minutes of pressing something over my head*

Axle continental and strict press away (3 weighted chins between rounds)




Axle clean and strict press away (5 chins and 10 pull aparts between rounds)


Axle clean each rep and strict press (neck work and tree of woe shrugs between rounds)


Axle clean and push press away


*10% COROLLARY (….VERY liberal 10%)*

20x225 breathing squats w/20 pull overs

5x5 “Wheel of Pain” (ab wheel)

5x10 dips

25 Conan Curls

1 minute of Tree of Woe shrugs


Walk with wolf


* Putting my money where my mouth is with the new training block.  I’ve got 9 weeks until I go on another cruise, which is amazing (still planning on doing a post cruise write up as well), and no competition on the horizon (not that I would care anyway) so I figured I’d do a test pilot of “Chaos is the Plan: The Plan”.  I’ve also rediscovered my love for Rob Howard and the Hyborian universe of Conan the Cimmerian, so I’m styling this training block in that manner.  Get ready for some LARPING and self-aggrandizing.  

* I’ve boiled it down that I want to lift 5 days a week, so that allows for 4 35 minute workouts and 1 40 minute.  My rough skeleton of a plan is to have a day where I do 5x10 for supplemental and a day I do 10x3-5, both with a 5/3/1 style opener (so effectively 5/3/1 BBB and 5/3/1 BBS).  That would be Mon-Wed.  Fri I’m thinking making more Deep Water esque and going 10x10 with strict rest times, or perhaps a stupidly heavy day.  On each of those days, I’m going to conclude with some manner of 20 breathing heavy lifts (squat, trap bar or good morning), because I’m not gonna get that Conan build without some hypertrophy.  I’ll flesh out thoughts even more some time in that regard.  Tues and Thurs will be more WOD-esque overhead work.  I’ll be rotating all manner of implements as well.

* Borrowing more from Conan, I finally got my rower figured out, so I’m going to be including that in the training, as per his Grandfather’s time as a slave on a ship, and even Conan himself took to privateering.  I’ll be stealing a lot from “To Valhalla” as well, but as Chaos is the Plan, it’s really more a framework and a concept vs anything solid.  And, if nothing else, I’m excited about this, which is what really matters.

* Since I’m coming back from a solid week of not touching any sort of weights, I did my best not to completely blow my brains out on this one.  I still worked hard, but intentionally cut the weights lighter than I wanted, and still found them more challenging than I wanted as well, so it worked out.

* Dig my reference.  The ab wheel is the Wheel of Pain, hanging from the bar for lat shrugs is the Tree of Woe, I’m walking with wolves instead of my pug: you just gotta really buy in for the results you want.

* I’m keeping up with the beltless training.  I really like the habit it’s built in me.  If I find that I’m limiting myself because of that, I’ll change, because Chaos is the Plan.

* Gonna try my hardest to maintain my 300 push ups and squats per day, but not going to lose sleep if I don’t.

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