Monday, October 30, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3092

AM WORKOUT (0425 natural wake up, very good night of sleep)


Axle continental and strict press




Between sets: 3x4 chins w/chains

GIANT SETS (press-chin-pull)

Axle clean and strict press away




Band pull aparts


Done w/in 9 minutes

GIANT SETS (press-neck-abs)

Axle clean each rep and strict press


Neck harness

4 sets w/55lbs

Wheel of pain


10 tree of Woe shrugs

Axle clean and push press away

21 reps w/remaining time (40 minute workout total)

Breathing Squats

20x235 w/pull overs

25 Conan Curls

25 pushdowns

Lateral raises until timer ran out


40lb weight vest walk w/wolf


* Trying a different set-up this week: 4 40 minute workouts and 1 20.  The 20 will roll into a “dealer’s choice” loadout, giving me a chance to get in a few odds and ends.  Adding 5 extra minutes to each of the other workouts allows for just a little touch of extra work.

* Managed to lift more weight this week and get more reps in at the end: total victory.  Chaos is the plan, but I also have a methodology on these set days for progression.  To quote famous 20th century philosopher Henry Hill “Fun within prescribed limits: this is gonna work!”

* Tweaked something in my left trap on the final set of heavy presses.  That’s not the trap that usually gets tweaked, so that’s progress: a new hitch. It’s annoying, but not debilitating.

* Really focusing on trying to move quickly where I can on the movements, not always being super slow twitch.  

* The squats are hitting just about perfect.  It’s weird to me getting the training effect with so little weight.  It sneaks up on me, compared to my low-bar style.  And laying crosswise on the bench for pull overs is opening up a lot more in me.

* Didn’t log anything yesterday, but I did actually train.  I also got in some great night walking, taking my kid to “Boo at the Zoo”, where we logged 10k steps trick-or-treating in some very cold weather and carrying a LOT of candy…and a pumpkin at one point.  Chaos is absolutely the plan.  I’ll link the training video

* Simple 10 minute EMOM where I did rounds of 5 prisoner squats and 5 push ups until the timer went, then 1 SoS to shoulder, then I set a Tabata timer and got 4 burpee chins every 20 seconds and 3 KB throws w/20kg bell.  That was intense.

* Had a very small carb up meal yesterday, and am officially beginning a Famine today, now that the training is sorted and my birthday feast has concluded, and with MANY feasts on the horizon, it seems like a good idea to baseline this with a Famine and bookend it that way as well.  My next cruise is 8 weeks from now, which allows for a 2 week famine, 4 week feast, 2 week famine, then feast on the cruise, reset and re-evaluate.  The Mrs already has another practice Thanksgiving qeued up for Veteran’s Day, so this will work pretty perfectly.

* On all of this, the food relationship continues to improve.  I absolutely enjoyed myself at Texas De Brazil and managed to find that delegate balance between eating to the point of enjoyment vs gorging to the point of physical illness (which boiled down to 90 minutes of putting away SO much meat), and then managed to enjoy a small amount of Birthday Brownies that Mrs made for me.  I didn’t restrict myself out of fear of eating brownies: I was legit just full from my mid-day meal still.  Felt no need to burn all this fuel off with extensive exercise after that fact, and still have my carb up the next day: I simply training as needed and living as much as I can.  Weekends are far more about being active and involved these days vs killer workouts.

* Birthday was fantastic.  Had an amazing breakfast, laser tag, Texas De Brazil for lunch where I ate meat for 90 minutes, and then we watched the DnD movie as a family.

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