Thursday, October 26, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3090

AM WORKOUT (0420 natural wake up)


40 rounds of 

* EMOM: 5 burpees and 3 Viking Thrusters w/90lbs on the axle

5 rounds of

* EMOM: 10 dips, 10 pull aparts and 2 Wheel of Pain

5 rounds of

* EMOM: 10 push ups, 10 pull apart and 2 Wheel of Pain

25 Conan Curls


40lb weighted vest walk w/wolf


* Came up with this when I woke up this morning.  Elements of Kalsu for sure, but lighter load and strict rep count.  This allowed me to also get in a lot of my push ups and squats for the day, which I tend totaled out with that 10 round finisher (I’m counting each burpee as 2 squats, since I squat to get down to the push up and squat again to get up from it).  I was definitely hurting at the end, and was telling myself lies by round 4 to get me through the workout.  

* Been slacking on the story here, but since this is going to be an 8-9 week program run, that would get a bit cumbersome.  

* Weighed in at 172.6 this morning, and I’m carrying the kind of leanness that I’m used to seeing at the 166 mark, so that’s a good sign.  I might actually be putting on some muscle.  Or it could simply be a MASSIVE amount of inflammation that comes after a downweek and then jumping right back into training, as I continue to feel beat to hell.  That steak and eggs last night is sure to help though.  

* That little EMOM finisher at the end was pretty dandy.  Just about perfect 10% corollary at work: getting in some of the neglected stuff.  I’m proud of myself for seeking out direct ab and arm work.  Also happy I could get in the walk this morning: we had thunderstorms in the forecast but thankfully didn’t get rained out.

* I’ve definitely noticed the physique impact from focusing on getting in those 300 push ups and squats a day vs not.  It’s really a missing element there.  If I remain diligent, I get the reward.  Focusing on rep quality has gone a long way as well.

* Been meaning to document this “non-scale victory”, but I FINALLY got rid of all the “Nuts ‘n More” in my house.  I had given away the majority of my un-opened stock, but still had an opened jar in my pantry that I was keeping because I honestly didn’t want to get rid of it, but finally committed myself to the reality that I wasn’t eating that stuff anymore.  For others, it’s a fine product, but I was absolutely abusing it, and tossing it was proof that it no longer had that power over me.  Each trash night I’ve been having little celebrations like that: getting rid of keto treats and frankenfooods and science experiments.  It’s been liberating.

* I forgot the other NSV I meant to share from a few weeks back: I'm wearing a size 30 pant these days.  My 32s were fitting like a circus tent.  I legit don't think I've been that small a waist since 5th grade.

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