Monday, January 23, 2006

Training Log: Entry 179

Blarg.  I'm having an identity crisis on training routines.  The one I designed was fun, but I gotta stop getting into these ruts.  One last go at a new routine.


Why this?  It's a westside barbell routine I can do on a 3 day split.  It's what I needed to avoid overtraining yet still get a good power workout.

One day I'll look back on this and laugh.


  1. WS4SB is a very good routine. It's also very flexible, so it can meet anyone's needs.

  2. Much thanks man.  I had seen it before, but forgot about it.  I love the 3 day.

  3. lol never heard of an identity crisis in regards to workout routines. I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. Sorry we didn't get together again before your classes started. Let me know when you next come home. Also, hope your classes are going well for you as well.

  4. After this you might wanna check out a routine that has you doing bodyparts twice a week rather than once. I'm making good gains off of these. Just a heads up.

  5. I don't want to really train 4 days a week while doing PT, cardio, and MA training.  I'm not on a bulk, so the possibility of overtraining is easy.
