Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Training Log: Entry 183

Begin bulk.

Current stats:

Have cycled off creatine for 1 week.  Currently in loading phase. 
Height: 5'9
Weight: 187

Dunno anything else.  My arms are small enough that I can finally roll my sleeves up on my BDUs and not feel like I'm cutting off circulation.  Currently on the West Side for Skinny Bastards program, in the second week.


  1. Starting up creatine again while beginning your bulk should make your weight shoot up fast. Howcome you rarely record your lifts upon using new routines? I know that the number doesn't matter so much as the results you get in fighting, but I'd think it's another way to record progress.

  2. getting smaller huh? sounds like your about the same weight as me at the moment, maybe a little less. and i'm like 6, 6'1 or something, anyways, i haven't seen you on aim for a while, you need to log on so i can bug you.

  3. Meh, not a big fan of recording numbers.  Weight is the only number that really matters to me.
