Friday, January 26, 2007

Training Log: Entry 351

Overhead presses of 115

Notes: Reducing the weight got me where I need to be.  Hopefully soon back to where I was.  Felt a great pump in my shoulders.

20 rep squats of 255

Notes: My knees were killing me before I started because we ran stairs in PT on thursday and then a couple miles after that.  Still managed.  Focused on sitting back rather than down, and making sure every squat was below parallel.  My spotter said the 1st and 7th were questionable, but everything else was spot on.  20th rep absolutely sucked.  Let out a yell.

Pullovers of 20lbs

Note: Still working on that stretch.

Bent over rows of 135

Note: Last rep a little questionable, but otherwise an outstanding pull on my lats.


Forgot to mention that I'm taking a dance class in college to learn a few steps for my wedding.  Should hopefully be limbering me up a little bit, teaching my some timing and rythum, and getting me a little cardio.


  1. The idea of taking a dance class to develop better coordination in my feet has entered my mind a few times. Hope you have fun and get some good results from it.

  2. Nice squat number. Congrats on the weight gain.

  3. For the 20th rep in such a high weight, you definitely have the right to yell.

  4. Yeah man, after those 20 reppers I bet you don't feel like doing much else, correct?

  5. I usually take 10 or so minutes spotting my fiancee for 5 sets of squats or overhead presses, then I can finally breathe again =P
