Monday, August 6, 2007

Training Log: Entry 440

Squats of 315

Notes: Got one more than I thought on this.  Can't quite tell if I'm just squatting down or if I'm squatting back as well.  I should get my wife to check my form next time.  Knees did a great job of staying outside.

Pull-ups w/55lbs

Notes: Was a weird day, with awkward rest periods as I tried to navigate folks wanting a spot, folks taking up the pull-up bars, and desperately trying to get a bench at some point, so the numbers are a little weird.  Still, might be able to clear this next time.  Pull with those lats, not just the arms.

Bench of 255

Notes: Rest time was cut way short, so last set was not at maximal potential.  I'm gonna move it up anyway.  I know I coulda done this no question with a little more rest.  Form was dead on.


  1. Is it me or does your squat change like crazy?

  2. I went a good 2-3 months without doing any squats, so right now I'm building back up to my old numbers.  In 1 more cycle, I'll most likely be back to my previous PR.
