Sunday, November 30, 2014

Training Log: Entry 1757

(7) Mat Pulls 620

Notes: Numbers don't reflect how awesome this workout was.  On the first rest pause, I lost control of the eccentric on the first rep and wasn't able to touch and go any more reps.  Just let it go down and ripped another rep from a dead stop.  In total, got 4 breaks off the floor instead of my usual 3 from this.  Great recovery from yesterday.  Up 2lbs as well.

KB swing 45s

Ab wheel

DOH hold 405
20 seconds

Notes: Spent all morning building a outdoor grill and some play furniture and the afternoon filling my keg with sand, so grip was pretty dead.


Notes: Outstanding workout.  Legs were like jello by the end.

General notes: May need to start doing 2 a days just to get in enough work with the implements.  Might get my strength work in the morning and implements at lunch.

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