Sunday, July 15, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2350


Throwing a 45lb kettlebell over a 16-18' tall crossbar a bunch of times

1 success
Several times hitting the crossbar
Some misses

Notes: Wife ran a half marathon today, so I got up at 0400 to help get to the starting line, then we drove a little over 3 hours to get home today, so I figured now would be a good day to figure out how to throw.

Key takeaways I had was to bend my knees more and actually try to use my legs rather than speed deadlifting the weight off the floor, and to stand closer to the bar than I liked.  Late release is also key.  That one success was cool, but also why I hate these sort of events.  I hit it after failing a bunch of times, and couldn't replicate it.  It means the strength is there, it's just the technique holding me back, so why the hell do we care as "STRONGman competitors?"  But I also get the highland games appeal of it all, because it felt cool to get the weight over the bar when I did manage.  Not my sport, but I understand why people dig it.

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