Saturday, September 8, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2377


Standing ab wheel

Texas deadlift bar touch and go deadlifts 325lbs

Notes: PM workout because I woke up at 0440 and my legs felt like they were made of lead.  Thought it'd get better by the afternoon but it didn't, so called an audible and did a dry run of what the deadlift day will be like for Deep Water.  I'm 20lbs shy of the RX weight, but kept the rest periods short.  For 6 sets were 2 minutes, last 4 were 2.5.  My left hamstring felt like piano wire, and my right quad buckled whenever I bent my leg, so these were all pretty much straight legged, with the hardest part of each set simply reaching down to grab the bar at the start.  Figured out why my right glute always hurts with deads: it's not the eccentric or the concentric, but where I hold the weigh at the top when I rest.  It's all on my right side.  Knowing that, I can work to start addressing that.

Woke up at 194.8 this morning.  Usual Panda Express cheat meal yesterday.  Helped spot/load at a local powerlifting meet yesterday as well.  Lasted about 2 hours, decent activity.

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