Friday, April 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3228

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 5, Workout A2

DB Bench





90 second weighted dip stretch w/105lbs

BtN Press




90 second shoulder stretch

Close grip axle lockouts





90 second tricep stretch w/20kg bell

NG chins


5x1 chain

8+3+3x2 chains

90 second hanging lat stretch w/105lbs

Axle deadlifts




1 minute 115lb DB lat stretch (per side)

3x10 standing ab wheel


Short walk w/dog


* I tried to talk myself out of this workout, but two things compelled me.  One was that it was Friday, and I wanted to have my Friday night with my family rather than spend it training, and the other was that it was “just the upper body day”.  Which is honestly pretty funny, because I genuinely work harder on this day overall compared to the B days, but in my mind any day I’m training my upperbody is easier than a squat day.  It’s kind of a nice psychological trick with this protocol.

* I made progress on everything except for the chins, and there is always an x-factor there as my bodyweight changes.  I at least matched previous numbers, so I’m willing to keep on keeping on with that.  DBs saw 1 rep, more weight on the BTN press, 2 extra reps on the CG, new ROM on the deadlifts.

* On those deadlifts, I had a new x-factor in play: I forgot to take off my knee sleeves under my sweats.  I forgot that I’d pulled without them for the whole cycle.  It created something I had to pull around on the concentric, and they snagged on some of the eccentrics.  Just added more difficulty, which isn’t a bad thing.  But along with that, I was pulling SUPER straight legged today.  My left meniscus was a little touchy at Tang Soo Do tonight and was acting up still this morning, and I’m wondering if that made me a little less willing to bend at the knee.  I could still be experiencing a bit of tightness from the race as well.  But, in general, this makes me really pleased that, even while messed up, with the “wrong gear” on, at the end of the workout, I can still have this kind of output.  It bodes well for where my strength is.

* Looking for down the line, I’m going to have a week out of town at the end of May/early June, so I’m looking at that being my first cruise.  I’ll see if I can ride out all these movements until that time, as it would be nice to just hit the reset upon return.

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