Friday, April 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3240

AM WORKOUT (0406 wake up via dog)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 7, Workout A1

DB Bench





70 Second weighted dip stretch w/105lbs (tapped out)

Behind the Neck Press




90 Second shoulder stretch

Close grip axle lockouts





90 second tricep stretch w/57.5lb KB

NG Chins


5x1 chain

8+3+3x2 chains

90 second hanging lat stretch w/105lb

(5) Texas Deadlift Bar Mat Pull




30 second per side 115lb lat stretch (tapped out)

3x10 standing ab wheel


* Training motivation was solid for this one today, despite getting woken up by my dog.  Schedule was a driving factor: Mrs needed to leave early today and I wanted to be able to see her off before she got out of the house, so getting in the gym and not screwing around was high on the list.  Having the mat pulls at the end of this workout helps as well: it’s actually something I care about putting effort into.  

* Made progress on everything except the chins.  I added a set onto the chins to allow a form of progress, and given that my bodyweight is going up, that’s a variable as well.  I DO have means of doing lat pulldowns in my gym, but it’s a short rom and not a great stretch, so it’s not high on my list.  I suppose rack chins would be a consideration.  But all that said, I got a really solid pump in my lats from the chins today, so I seem to be accomplishing the goals I need.

* Though I haven’t hit the 30 rep mark on the DB bench, I think I’m going to up the weight next time.  I got a 2 rep PR today, and I’ve been making little chip shot PRs each workout, but it’s getting pretty exhausting, and I feel like adding a little more weight will promote more growth than trying to get those final 3 reps.  

* Incredibly pleased with the mat pull performance.  Last week was a bit underwhelming, and it seemed like some pre-existing hip pain was the driver.  I was far more fatigued coming into this, feeling pretty wiped from the workout leading up to it, but got 15 reps on that first pull and felt VERY strong through it.  My left bicep played nice too: past few times it’s gotten a little tight on the pulls.  I really dig the progression I’ve come up with for this: do the weight on the axle first, then switch to the deadlift bar and go for broke, then add chains back to the axle, then chains on the deadlift bar, THEN we up the bar weight, strip the chains, repeat.  This is going to allow me to progress on it for a LONG time, vs my typical issue of racing to a stall.

* Was lacking fortitude on the weighted stretches today.  My chest just got in a bad way on the dips, and after those mat pulls I was absolutely toast.

* We’re going to have some wild weather these next few days, so walking is going to be at a minimum.  Tang Soo Do tournament tomorrow is honestly going to be pretty low activity, but good family time.

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