Monday, April 1, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3217

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 4, Workout B2

KB Curls




90 Second bicep stretch

Hise Shrugs





90 second axle trap stretch w/short average bands

Buffalo Bar Calf Raise




90 second belt calf stretch w/105lbs



9+6+6x22.5 behind head

85 second hamstring stretch w/22.5lb KB behind head

Buffalo Bar Squat






90 second quad stretch

2x10 standing ab wheel w/10 second plank on final rep


Short walk w/dog


* I came into this still VERY full.  You’ll see/hear me on the video belching a few times.  Basically 2 solid days of feasting.  And I’ll have to take a moment to just celebrate how awesome these feasts are, because there’s zero food guilt when all you’re feasting on is meat.  Both times, I ate until food sounded like a bad idea, and waited until it sounded like a good idea to eat again.  It’s still so weird for me to actually be satisfied, to walk around thinking “I don’t even want to THINK about food right now”, and to know that everything I ate is working to make me bigger and stronger.  And hell, it even gels with Dante’s “2g of protein per pound of bodyweight” demand there, and coincides with something Dusty was talking about regarding the sheer amount of food necessary to grow.

* All that aside, this was a fantastic session.  I’ve really been digging going into this “round 2” of DC.  The first week set the baselines, and now I can REALLY push down on the throttle and see what I can do.  There’s still a little room to push on these sets, but they were much closer to the breaking point than before, and I beat the log book in every way, with the highlight being that squat widowmaker where I got in one more rep WITH 5lbs heavier than previous.

* Got a solid pump on the curls, focusing on flexing at the top of the rep.  Can get in a decent bicep cramp that way.  I ended up going quite a bit heavier on the Hise shrugs than last time, and simply unracking/walking them out was a challenge.  I came into today with a pretty stiff back, which was most likely a product of TABEARTA from yesterday.  But, per John Meadows RX, the hamstring work before squats and all the time under the bar made it so that, when it came time to squat, I was feeling pretty solid.

* Calf raises were agony.  The concentric was a little on the short side due to some balancing issues, but the stretch was solid.

* Found some extra reps on those GHRs.  Really pushed it hard.

* Squats went well.  Still going beltless, still keeping a close stance, really feeling a burn in the quads.  I saw some crazy vascularity on them when it was all over.  Also, I changed this day around from last time, as before I tried to do SLDLs after squats and just had to fold because my back was in agony.  Today, I did GHRs, which meant training them before squats, and it worked well.  I may honestly drop the SLDLs in general and use reverse hypers on my B3 day, but in that case I’d probably push the reps much higher than 10-20, just because that seems kinda weird with the hyper.

* Supposed to be some thunderstorms today, so most likely not much walking in my future.


  1. Is your youtube monetized? Weird to see your video blocked.

    1. It is not. But the music I play during training sometimes has copyrights
