Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Training Log: Entry 323

Squats of 300

Note: Need to warm up better.  Was dying.  Noticed my knees bowing in, so worked on that.  At the end, my weight was shifting forward and my shoudler and forearm locked up.  Need to polish my form.

Bench of 275

Note: Smooth.

Pull-ups with 35lbs

Note: Forgot what I did on my third set.  4 or 3.  Still, going up.

CoC 2
Managed 5 reps with right hand and 2 with left.  Making progress.  Did negatives for the rest.


  1. Squat bench and pullups in the same workout? Can you explain your split to me?Also, how do you do negatives with grippers? Clench with both hand and release with just the one?

  2. It isn't a split, it's a full body workout.
    Workout A: Squat, Bench, Pull-upWorkout B: Deadlift, Overhead Press, DipsAlternate between the two MWF.
    And you've got it with the negatives.  I usually grip for as far as I can with one hand then use the other hand for an assist and go for negatives.

  3. That's really cool. I never considered to make a routine like that. I might try that exact routine in a few months or so, except maybe I'd add shrugs and possible rows just to hit the back a little more.

  4. The deadlifts will get your traps more than enough.  If you want to throw in rows, replace the pull-ups with them.
    Make sure you follow a proper 5X5 set-up, and throw in a little neck work, and you'll be good to go.
