Sunday, January 6, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2363


Heavy punching bag boxing workout

6 rounds
2 minutes on
30 seconds rest

Notes: I've been getting the itch to fight again, and I found myself buying yet another pair of boxing gloves at the sporting goods store and doing it all over again.  I haven't hit a heavybag since about 2012, but it was like riding a bike.  I've missed it so much.  Just a part of my identity I can't shake.  I've learned from enough of these start/stop boxing binges that I couldn't go full power today, because otherwise my hands, wrists and elbows will ache for days, but still went enough to suck wind and get in a good workout.  Had to go a little shorter on time than I'd like due to schedule restraints, but I'm happy.  Mrs has a co-worker she might con into being a sparring partner too.

I know my footwork is a mess, I'm sure I'm slower than I was, but hell, I felt like I was home again.  I also legit thing my testosterone is dailed up from all the sleep I've been getting, and maybe Deep Water is a part of that as well.

Woke up at 201.8.   


  1. Holy crap. I clicked on this to see where you were in the deep water thing and didn't expect this. Anyway, that's cool. At least there is money (theoretically) in boxing (by which i mean combat sports in general). I mean, hell, I could sign up for a boxing match today, get a concussion, lose 3 teeth, and basically understand what dran brahmage actually is and I would still walk away with $150.

    Best of luck to you.

    1. Thanks man. I am not pursuing boxing, career or otherwise. This was just a conditioning workout.

      I have made a little money with strongman, but not much.

    2. Ah. I just saw the "itch to fight again" and assumed . That's neat that you made some money from strongman.

  2. Awesome to hear, I hope you get a sparring partner soon. Do you ever want to work in Muay Thai kicks or do you just miss the boxing?

    1. No kicks at the moment. Working with a punching bag rather than a thai bag, and I'm not terribly comfortable kicking them. Still a little gunshy with the knee too.
