Monday, August 12, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2490


SUPERSETS (press-pulldown)

Axle strict press
8x211 (possible PR)
8x211 (push press)

Lat pulldown 100

GIANT SETS (press-dip-raise-pull aparts: Odd sets behind the neck press, even sets axle strict press)

Behind the neck press 110

Axle strict press 150

Lateral raise 25

Band pull aparts

DB curl run the rack (no rest between sets)
35x10lbs curl
30x15 hammer curl
25x20 curl
20x25 hammer curl
10x30 curl
5x35 hammer curl

Notes: 3:45 between heavy presses, 2:00 between giant sets.  That topset of presses may in fact be a PR.  I know that 201 for 8 was a longstanding goal, and that I got it, and 206 for 8, and I THINK I've gotten 206 for 9 before, but not sure I ever got 211 for 8.  Even if not, it was an awesome effort, because I came in feeling awful and thinking I was just going to mail it in and go home.  Usually the days I set my best effort.  The push presses felt strong after that.  I'm racking well before the point that I'm giving it my absolute best, more out of safety than anything else.  I'm still performing way stronger on the movement than I ever have before.

Put an asterisk next to the strict presses on the giant set because, on the very last set, my right lat cramped up fierce after 6 reps and I had to rack the bar for a bit and stretch it out before I could get in the final 3 reps.  Just something to be aware of.

Behind the neck presses continue to be awesome.  This was just a solid day in general.

Weighed myself this morning.  Still not totally fasted, as it was post protein bar and energy drink, but clocked in at 196.8.  2lbs over the course of the month, and considering I've been eating like the world is going to end, I'm more than pleased with that.  Not sure if they're going to cut the weight class at 198 or 220, but either way I should be good. 

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